Computer & Jewellery


Place: Copper Museum, 3 Partyzantów St.

Date: 13.04.-2.06.24

Opening: 10.05.24, 19:30

Organizer: Museum of Glass and Jewelry in Jablonec


Opening hours:
In the winter season (from 1 October to 31 May)
Tuesday to Friday from 10:00-17:00 on Saturdays from 11:00-17:00

In the summer season (from 1 June to 30 September)
Wednesday to Friday from 10:00-17:00, Saturday and Sunday from 11:00-17:00


Admission free


The emergence of computing has gradually transformed humanity and fundamentally affected our lives. Its development, from the first punch-labels of giant computers to smart technologies to artificial intelligence, is progressing ever more sharply and there is no escape. Technology is ubiquitous. It helps us work better and more efficiently, move and travel, maintain our health, support our hobbies, have fun, communicate and much more. Machines and computer-controlled devices have long been a normal part of our daily lives, and many people can no longer imagine their lives without them. Progressively, they are reaching beyond developed and civilized regions, and are even beginning to be used by formerly completely natural peoples.

Computers accompany and follow us all over the world. Our digital footprint remains scattered and stored in many unknown locations thousands of miles from our physical existences. The space around us is filled with invisible flowing waves transmitting unimaginable amounts of data. The replacement of natural direct communication between human beings by displays and screens is now a daily concern in all social and age groups, including young children. The attraction and at the same time the horror of the idea, described or filmed in novels and science fiction stories by numerous authors, is slowly becoming a reality in many areas. We are becoming addicted.

Despite being highly recyclable, the amount of e-waste is becoming a nightmare. Smart devices of all kinds, as well as the rapid development of artificial intelligence, encroach on our lives. This brings positives, but also great concerns.

Can humans continue to control this development, or will artificial intelligence overtake, dominate or completely destroy us?

The curated project of selected artists took place as part of the Jablonec 2023 International Triennial of Glass and Costume Jewellery (Czech Republic). Individual jewellers created a wide range of works on the given theme following their personal preferences or generational perspective. Czech and Slovak jewellers were captivated by visually interesting components, data storage devices and other structural elements of computers, mobiles and other devices loaded with hidden information and capabilities. Some jewellers made ingenious use of computer slang in their works, others succumbed to the magic of creation through computer programs, interacting with CNC machining, laser or 3D printing, and the distinctive creativity of artificial intelligence was also exploited. Several artists devoted themselves to a deeper reflection on the topic of communication and the disintegration of civilization due to the overuse of technology or the fascination with artificial intelligence.

Kateřina Nora Nováková



Lonesome no More brooches, porcelain, alpaca, stainless steel, magnet, jelly dust, 2013


Marta Švajdová Trojan Horse object, 2023


Karel Votipka Relic of St Bartholomew brooch, 2023


Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund.


